Sweden expelled austerity from schools and introduced lifelong learning with free schooling

The Swedish standard, as a generally accepted term when talking about that Scandinavian country, in the field of education is to provide every individual with free education throughout life and create a society of active citizens with a developed social consciousness, writes the Euractiv Serbia portal.

 Within the Pulse of Europe – Media Trips to EU project, the Beta News Agency journalist Nataša Stojanović researched on the Swedish model of education and explored what its advantages and specifics are and in parallel what lessons from it. The Deputy Head of the Swedish Mission in Belgrade, Joachim Waern, said that the goal in education in his country is for children to become good citizens, to think democratically, to take care of each other, to think freely and to be able to make decisions and make their own choices. The full article is available on the Euractiv.rs web portal.

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13